
Zebra Technologies Launch Electronic Temperature Sensors

February 2021

Zebra’s portfolio of electronic temperature sensors stands out from other temperature-sensing devices because of their unique, purpose-built design. With mobile connectivity and data-sharing capabilities, Zebra devices deliver exceptionally versatile and effective monitoring of temperature-sensitive products throughout production, storage and cold-chain shipping. Giving users greater control and visibility to capture temperature readings and help protect temperature-sensitive products from damaging exposure. By increasing automation and speeding up processes, Zebra devices help ensure greater reliability in end-to-end, cold-chain monitoring.

While other devices require USB connections to access data, Zebra’s portable, wireless temperature sensors are Bluetooth enabled, allowing data to be retrieved and recorded through packing materials, containers, vehicles, cold-chain equipment and temperature-controlled rooms. This convenience makes it easier for users to quickly view temperature data without opening containers, thereby helping to reduce the potential for human errors and limiting products exposure, which can cause product loss, deterioration of efficacy, and harmful effects to consumers.

In addition, Zebra’s EDGEVue app and EDGECloud™ services provide immediate, remote access to device data via the cloud. EDGEVue app enables easy setup, monitoring and tracking of sensors using Android or iOS mobile devices. EDGECloud™ services provide wireless, cloud-based data-sharing, storage, and reporting for compliance or analysis.

Zebra’s electronic temperature sensors are also among the most customisable in the market. Other devices which are preconfigured with monitoring settings require users to purchase different devices for different needs. Zebra devices, however, can be configured for each cold-chain shipment or storage environment, giving users a wide range of options and controls over settings, including start time, reading intervals and alarm limits.

For more information please call 01975 564111 or email

For more information, call 01975 564111
or email

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